Al Hikmah Foundation

Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger ﷺ has achieved a great triumph.

(Quran, 33:71)

Welcome to Al Hikmah Foundation

Al Hikmah Foundation supports charitable purposes for the benefit of the Muslim community and the general public. 

We are a registered charity in Toronto, Canada. (Charity #: 769810870 RR 0001)

prayer times

Salah Begins
Fajr 05:51am
Zuhr 12:31pm
Asar 03:25pm
Maghrib 05:53pm
Isha 07:12pm
Jum'uah 12:40pm


Alḥamdulillāh, Al Hikmah Foundation publishes many articles and pamphlets for the benefit of the Muslim community.

Volume 7 Issue 1

Volume 6 Issue 3

Support Us

Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve”  (2:274)